Happy Thanksgiving From J And B Financial!
We want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We also want to thank you being clients, supporters, friends, neighbors, and family. We...
Tax Season Deadline October 15th.
The deadline for filing your 2021 income tax return if you filed an extension is October 15th 2021. If you need help filing your 2020...
We Want To Give You $1000.00!!!
I am going to increase my initial offer from $500.00 to $1000.00 for ever person you send our way that opens their own J and B Insurance...
Residential Mortgage Preparation During A Pandamic
We wanted to share some mortgage preparation tips for those of you in the market to buy a home during a pandemic. So, we called in Brent...
6k Income Tax Refund Advances For Qualified Taxpayers!
J and B Inurance and Taxes will be loaning our clients up to $6,000 while they wait for their income tax refund. If you are looking to...
The 46th Annual Shrimporee is a great Space Center Rotary organized event that combines some of the best live music in the Bay Area,...
2019 South Belt Ellington Chamber of Commerce Evening of Cuisine
The South Belt Ellington Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 22nd Annual Evening of Cuisine at the Golfcrest Country Club in...
We had a blast at the 2019 Pasadena Rodeo Cook-off this year. Shout out goes to the teams out there that showed our staff and our guests...
We want to remind our clients who filed extensions for their 2018 Federal income taxes that the deadline for filing to avoid penalties is...
We Make Filing Taxes Easy.
Our income tax clients do not have to sit around waiting in our offices because we allow them to fax, email, or drop off their tax info...