Outta Control Cookers July Poker Tournanment and Fundraiser.
Sunday July 15th, @ 3:30 p.m.The Outta Control Cookers will be hosting a poker tournanment at Legends Sports Bar to help pay for our competition at the Pasadena Rodeo Cookoff. We will also be selling bbq plates to help raise money for Jesse Anguiano's medical expenses related to a recent stroke. Mr. Jesse Anguiano is the father of Tony Anguiano. Tony is one of our hardest working team members. He has been there for us. We are going to be there for him. Text Jillena Mata @7134988755 for more info. We cannot wait to see y'all next week! The first two people to text us at 7133407963 will have their initial buy ins paid for by us.