Income Tax Refund Advance Loans Of Up To $6000. We Pay Up To $ 100 For New Tax Clients.
At J And B Insurance And Taxes we have started our income tax advance program for 2022 Income Tax Season. Our program will advance eligible tax payers up to $6,000 after they file their 2021 tax return. Some restrictions and rules apply so please contact us by phone a 2813973294, text at 7133407963 or by email at for more details. We also pay you up to 100.00 for bringing new tax clients into the office. If you can send us a name and number in need of tax help and we are hired we will pay you cash for sending a client our way. We also offer remote income tax filing services. We can begin the income tax preparation process by phone or email in our office. There is no need to leave your job or your home to have your income taxes filed when you deal with our company. We make dealing with us an easy thing. Thanks for reading. We look forward to seeing you soon.